Thursday, March 24, 2011

Inspiration from Demeter & Persephone

Relief of Demeter and Persephone
...via a colleague writing up a workshop.

You know how it is with insights, all of a sudden things come together and you realize something you never saw before, and you're slightly dazzled by it...

and then you kinda feel, well, duh.
I'm somewhere in-between.

But the thing is - I see now how her approach works and how different it is from mine, and how that way of seeing/working/responding would be beneficial to me personally. How cool is that?

My approach to classes/workshops has a particular sensibility and goal in mind, and is guided by my own creative process. But I hadn't perceived the so-called recipe of their essence as I did today in looking at my friend's description - and I need...

to do that.

What's interesting to me is that they're completely foreign approaches that are mutually uncomfortable, but lead to similar places of individuation. 

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